Idukki RMC


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Idukki Ready-mix has a well-experienced team in manufacturing concrete mixes. All our types of equipment and delivery trucks are properly handled by experts. Even in delivery time, it’s happening under expert supervision.

Fully documented quality control processes and procedures form an integral part of our Quality Management System at Idukki Readymix. We are proud of our reputation for having what are, arguably, the most stringent testing programs conducted in our industries



Various Tests Conducted In Our QC Lab

Flakiness and Elongation Test

The Flakiness Index is the percentage by weight of particles in it, whose least dimension (i.e. thickness) is less than three-fifths of its mean dimension. The Elongation Index is the percentage by weight of particles in it, whose largest dimension (i.e. length) is greater than one and four-fifths times its mean dimension.

Vicat Apparatus

Vicat apparatus is a penetration device used in testing of hydraulic cements and similar materials to determine their normal or standard consistency. It is also used to determine the initial setting time and final setting time of hydraulic cements and similar materials.

Compressive Strength Test

Compressive strength test-The concrete cube test is performed for the purpose of determining the compressive strength of a concrete element.

Sieve Analysis

The sieve analysis determines the gradation (the distribution of aggregate particles, by size, within a given sample) in order to determine compliance with design, production control requirements, and verification specifications.

Impact Value Test

Impact value test-The aggregate impact value is a determining measure of resistance to sudden impact or shock, which may differ from its resistance to gradually applied compressive load.

Concrete Slump Test

The sieve analysis determines the gradation (the distribution of aggregate particles, by size, within a given sample) in order to determine compliance with design, production control requirements, and verification specifications.

Gravity Test

Specific Gravity test by using pycnometer -Specific gravity of aggregate is defined as the ratio of the weight of a given volume of aggregates to the weight of equal volume of water.


A comparison with conventional site mix

Idukki Ready-Mix Concrete
  • Save money by saving time.
  • Minimum number of laborers.
  • Uniform mix from a fully computerized batching plant.
  • Proper quality checking by professional QC technicians.
  • Material stocking space is not required on sites.
  • Made on demand before being delivered.
  • 24/7 delivery – same and next-day delivery.
Site Mix
  • Consumption of time is very high compared to ready-mix concrete.
  • Number of labors is more.
  • There won’t be uniformity of mix by batch by batch, also, we can’t control the water-cement ratio.
  • No proper quality checking of raw materials.
  • Much more space is required for the stocking of raw materials.

Any Size Delivery

Exact Time Slots

Assured Quality

Ready Mix Concrete

At Idukki Ready-mix Concrete (IRMC), concrete is produced in its fully automated and computerized concrete batching plants. We manufacture and supply concrete mixes that are specified by the customer, the customer specification is designed by producing trial mixes by the technically sound quality team in its well-equipped laboratories as per established procedures to comply with various provisions of Indian standards.

IRMC’s experienced logistics team works closely with the plant and the clients to ensure that the concrete of specified quality is delivered on time and in the appropriate quantities.

IRMC Provides a Uniform Mix From a Fully Computerized Batching Plant Ensures the highest compressive strength with fast construction without any compromise in Results and also Timely Delivery of Our Concrete.

Our Equipment

Transport :
Once a customer places an order on Idukki Ready-mix, the survey team will survey the site to ensure that the transit mixer trucks can access the site.
Factors the survey team considers are:

  • The site approach road and the ground condition up to the delivering point for the transit mixer should be safe
  • Sufficient space should be available for the transit mixer to access the delivery point
  • The clearances should be sufficient for moving the equipment.


Pumping Concrete :
Pumping is one of the most efficient means of pouring concrete.

Key Strengths
  • Hands on team with highly professional experience in the ready- mix concrete.
  • Strong relationships with key vendors, ensuring consistent and uninterrupted supplies.
  • Robust Quality Control processes that ensures each batch of concrete adheres to consistent quality standards.
On Time Supply

As a part of our end-to-end building solutions, we offer our customers unparalleled time and cost savings by leveraging the reach of our national supply chain and amassing material demand across multiple projects to lower pricing.We decode our client’s complete requirements and ensure timely delivery of the quantity and mix, ensuring reduction in unnecessary inventory carrying costs and no delay due to non-availability.


Better prices shouldn’t sacrifice quality. We hold every product to the highest design, durability and environmental standards. Our unique approach to the construction of buildings and integrated national supply chain offers newfound quality, scale, and efficiency to residential and commercial building projects. We adhere to strict quality norms, and all our suppliers are pre-vetted and are subjected to recurrent quality audits.